A Story about Family, Love and Fighting the Impossible

Minuet for Our Father:
A Documentary By Lopii Productions
Written, Directed, and Produced by Jorge’s daughters, award-winning kids media producers, Rennata and Georgina Lopez. Minuet for our Father is the first documentary by Lopii Productions.
Minuet for Our Father is a personal story capturing the harrowing journey of classical and Mariachi guitarist Jorge Lopez as he battled against the grips of COVID-19. As told through his daughters, intimate footage, and heartfelt interviews, the film delves deep into the emotional rollercoaster experienced by both Jorge and his devoted family. With his beautiful classical music serving as a backdrop, viewers are drawn into the heart of the family’s struggle as they navigate the uncertainty and fear as their dad fights for his life. Through tearful moments and a heartwarming performance, the film captures the profound impact of family and the power of collective hope. “Minuet for Our Father” is not just a story of survival but a celebration of life, love, and the profound bond between a father and his family.

Minueto Para Nuestro Padre:
Un Documental de Lopii Productions
Minueto Para Nuestro Padre es un documental personal que captura el angustioso viaje del guitarrista clásico Jorge López, mientras luchaba contra el terrible COVID-19. Escrito, dirigido y producido por Rennata y Georgina López, hijas de Jorge y productoras galardonadas de contenido infantil, Minueto Para Nuestro Padre es el primer documental de Lopii Productions.
A través de las narraciones de sus hijas, imágenes íntimas y entrevistas conmovedoras, la película explora a fondo los momentos dramáticos vividos tanto por Jorge como por su devota familia. Con su hermosa música clásica como telón de fondo, los espectadores se sumergen en el corazón de la lucha familiar navegando por la incertidumbre y el miedo mientras su padre lucha por su vida. A través de momentos llenos de lágrimas y de dolor, el documental captura el profundo impacto de la familia y el poder de la esperanza colectiva. Minueto Para Nuestro Padre no es solo una historia de supervivencia, sino una celebración de la vida, el amor y el profundo vínculo entre un padre y su familia.

Minuet For Our Father:
A Documentry By Lopii Productions
Written, Directed, and Produced by Jorge’s daughters, award-winning kids media producers, Rennata and Georgina Lopez. Minuet for our Father is the first documentary by Lopii Productions.
Minuet for Our Father is a personal story capturing the harrowing journey of classical and Mariachi guitarist Jorge Lopez as he battled against the grips of COVID-19. As told through his daughters, intimate footage, and heartfelt interviews, the film delves deep into the emotional rollercoaster experienced by both Jorge and his devoted family. With his beautiful classical music serving as a backdrop, viewers are drawn into the heart of the family’s struggle as they navigate the uncertainty and fear as their dad fights for his life. Through tearful moments and a heartwarming performance, the film captures the profound impact of family and the power of collective hope. “Minuet for Our Father” is not just a story of survival but a celebration of life, love, and the profound bond between a father and his family.

Minueto Para Nuestro Padre:
Un Documental de Lopii Productions
Minueto Para Nuestro Padre es un documental personal que captura el angustioso viaje del guitarrista clásico Jorge López, mientras luchaba contra el terrible COVID-19. Escrito, dirigido y producido por Rennata y Georgina López, hijas de Jorge y productoras galardonadas de contenido infantil, Minueto Para Nuestro Padre es el primer documental de Lopii Productions.
A través de las narraciones de sus hijas, imágenes íntimas y entrevistas conmovedoras, la película explora a fondo los momentos dramáticos vividos tanto por Jorge como por su devota familia. Con su hermosa música clásica como telón de fondo, los espectadores se sumergen en el corazón de la lucha familiar navegando por la incertidumbre y el miedo mientras su padre lucha por su vida. A través de momentos llenos de lágrimas y de dolor, el documental captura el profundo impacto de la familia y el poder de la esperanza colectiva. Minueto Para Nuestro Padre no es solo una historia de supervivencia, sino una celebración de la vida, el amor y el profundo vínculo entre un padre y su familia.